In New Zealand we have the highest drowning rates so its important to keep safe in a Rip. If you are in a Rip the first thing is to don’t Panic. So never swim alone because if something dangerous happens and you also panic you can get dragged under that Rip.
Life guards put out the 2 flags for a reason so stay between the flags because its safe.If you are caught in the rip don’t panic because most people drown and even die from panicking in the rip its important to don’t panic.
Do you know how a rips for?
Rip is like a stream full of water that pushes water out and away from the shore. So if the rip pushes you away and you're trying to get back to shore put your one hand up and wait for the lifeguards to come and get you. Rips are hard to get out of so you should know rules when you are in a rip.
How do you identify a rip?
When you are getting drifted away and you’re trying to swim back to shore thats when you know you’re in a rip. When water are hitting the shore and on the same time water drifting away thats when you know its a rip. Rips are unsafe to be around so its important you swim near the shore and away from rips.
What to do when you are caught in a rip?
When you are caught in a rip don’t try to swim back just wait until someone grabs you. Don’t panic because you might drown and die from rips. If you are caught just wait until the waves finally stop and then you can swim back.
If you go to a family picnic on the beach always swim when their adults close to you so they can pull you in. Its important that you swim where lots of people are. So you can tell your parents or someone who's taking you to the beach about whats a rip current.
Tips on how to make your paper longer:
ReplyDelete1. Add a list of references and resources:
- Add relevant quotes from the text to make your paper more interesting.
- Add any other information that you think is relevant in the reference section.
2. Add an appendix:
- Include all your raw data and information in the appendix so that it can be accessed easily if need be.
3. Use a lot of subheadings:
- Subheadings are helpful in dividing your paper into sections so that it is easier for readers to understand what you are talking about and follow along with what you are saying.