
Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Last week on monday lunch we had training as the bell rang for launch all the girls groaped their bags and rushed outside like animals. Then we went and got changed as we so Ms vaafusanga we helped carie the tags,belt  out .When we were walking we was talking about what to bring when we going to ourgames. She told us to bring mouth-garde, black shirts,and lunch after Wednesday it was thursday and we had training we went to the point england beach field it was nearby point england and as we entered the gate it was murdy so my team put their and we trained every single day until it reached Wednesday the 8th it was too wet so it was canslie and everybody had their gear but after lunch the sun came out and it was windy.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sisilia I read your amazing story about training you drawed a wonderful picture of you training on the grass with a rugby ball in you hand.
