
Monday, February 25, 2013

Room 21 thinks about me

They say I’m
skuxx but I’m not.

They even says” that I
’m artist thats true.

They  say” I have
cool hair I don’t.

I have good friends
and I play sports thats true.

I’m short but
they say I’m tail.

I’m Quiet thats true
but only around sister’s

I’m funny only around my
 sister’s and friends.


  1. Hello sisilia
    I read you poem or that but it is really really cool.
    I hope you write some more about you .

  2. Hello Sisilia,

    It's me Charlee Webb I was in your class last year, I love your peom it is all you and only you no one else but you keep striving to successed, and keep up the wonderful work!!!! :)
